Our Nursery Welcomes Children Aged 2 to 5!
Blending the Montessori ethos with Forest School principles, we offer a truly enriching experience. We also warmly welcome children currently being home-educated and those who have opted for flexi schooling.
“Montessori was one of the most important early years educators of the 20th century, the innovator of classroom practices and ideas which have had a profound influence on the education of young children the world over’ Montessori International

“Growth is not merely a harmonious increase in size, but a transformation” – Maria Montessori

“The extremely caring and nurturing staff play a very significant role in ensuring children are happy and settled.” – Ofsted Report

Our day begins with a morning outdoor session at the woods, allotment or park followed by an afternoon of workshops including crafts or baking.

“Children thrive in this welcoming setting. They have exceptionally secure attachments with the extremely caring and nurturing practitioners.”